Screenshot: Nintendo / KotakuPlease don’t shoot the messenger. The Sequel to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been pushed to spring 2023, Nintendo introduced in a quick video right this moment.“We beforehand introduced that we have been aiming for a 2022 launch for this sport,” Zelda collection producer Eiji Aonuma mentioned. “Nonetheless, we have now determined to increase our growth time a bit and alter the discharge to spring 2023. For these of you who’ve been trying ahead to launch this yr, we apologize.”The Sequel to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild—which you and everybody you understand merely calls BotW 2—was first introduced at E3 2019. It since spent two years languishing in Rumor Land earlier than popping up once more eventually yr’s E3, the place a splashy, if temporary, trailer featured Hyperlink exhibiting off some cool new flying powers. In right this moment’s announcement, Aonuma famous how BotW 2 is about in each the land, the skies, and “past.” That final half is cryptic, for positive. My guess? Nintendo stuffs 20-percent-off low cost coupons into the bodily copies for this sport.Following a no-show at December’s Recreation Awards, “botw 2″ began trending on social media as a result of, three years and counting into the advertising and marketing push, Nintendo nonetheless hadn’t revealed the sport’s official identify. (No, Nintendo didn’t lastly pull again the curtain in right this moment’s announcement. The title is presently withheld as a result of it mayyyybe presumably doubtlessly may reveal key particulars concerning the sport’s narrative.)The Sequel to the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a linchpin for Nintendo’s impressively stacked launch slate for the yr, alongside video games like Splatoon 3, Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Bayonetta 3, a brand-new Mario Strikers (hell yeah), and a brand new technology of Pokémon video games, Scarlet and Violet variations. Even with out BotW 2, Swap gamers have lots to avail themselves of this yr, although they’ll have to attend a bit longer for this significantly anticipated sequel.“In an effort to make this sport’s expertise one thing particular, the complete growth group is working diligently on this sport, so please wait a short while longer,” Aonuma mentioned.
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