Free Technology for Teachers: TeachMeet Online

Free Technology for Teachers: TeachMeet Online


I went to my first TeachMeet event in London about ten years ago. It was a ton of fun and I learned a lot from the experience. My Google Photos album from that trip is full of fun memories including seeing Russel Tarr’s ClassTools spinner wheel being used to keep order over the proceedings. Over the years TeachMeet events have popped up all over the world including in online formats. TeachMeet New Jersey is coming up on August 10th. You don’t have to be a teacher in New Jersey in order to participate. In fact, anyone who has an Internet connection can join because it’s a completely online event. TeachMeet New Jersey is currently accepting proposals for short (25 minutes) presentations. You can make your submission right here. There are nine categories for submission including AR/VR, eSports, and makerspaces. And if your topic doesn’t fit with one of the categories, there’s an “other” field where you can put in your proposal. If attending and not presenting is more your style, sign-up to attend right here. 
